Me and My fiance Ryan have been together for five years and been engaged for 3 and a half. When he proposed I was just turning 18 and we both decided we wanted a long engagement. His reason for proposing was of course because he loved me but also because my parents were looking to move to South Africa, which meant I had to move with them. By proposing he was making a promise to my father that he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, I know "aww" right! So this meant I could stay.
Anyways we finally feel ready to set the date! Not only because Its been 5 years and I feel more than ready to get married but I genuinely know 100% that me and Ryan are meant to be together. We have been through so much together over the five years we have been together, like.. Moving in with each other, moving to a new house together, getting a puppy together, going on holiday together, fighting and making up (more than once of course) My health problems, his family problems, Emigrating to South Africa together! So I feel like we have been through so much, both good and bad, and made it out alive.
We are feeling that we want to set a date within the next two years. Obviously its going to be a little more difficult now that we are here in South Africa, when all our friends, Ryans whole family and half of my family are over in Scotland. However its going to be a lot cheaper to get married here..
A. Because we currently live near a church and the minister can marry us for free
and B. Because we can use the church facilities as a venue for free
So I've just been excited about the prospects of finally being able to plan, So of course I jumped on the internet and started to get some inspiration. Thought I would share some of the things i'm liking the idea of.
So for shoes I fell in love with these, I love the bow and most importantly, the colour! I like the idea of my colour scheme being this royal blue and grey. I just love colourful shoes with a white dress, just pops! And have Ryan in a grey suit a bright blue tie!
Now I really like this for the centerpieces, maybe with a blue flower though, so inexpensive also and different.
Bridesmaids will be either a light teal powder blue or grey dress, maid of honour will be in a bright blue matching my shoes! I definitely think Ryan will suite a grey suit, white shirt and bright blue tie also matching my shoes EVERYTHING MUST MATCH!
The cakes a hard one because well money doesnt grow on trees and no matter where you go people want an arm and a leg. My mother has said she is more than happy to make my cake for me, yay!
I have to be honest I am in love with cupcake tier cakes, I think they are amazing!
But then I also really love traditional wedding cakes, so I don't know about this yet!
Oh i'm saving the best for last! The Dress, the most important part!!!! The most exciting part... for me!
I love, long dresses with sleeves or straps of some kind, I don't want to be pulling my dress up every two minutes. Comfort is very important to me. I also really love lace. Can't say what kind of dress I will end up wearing on the day, still ages yet before I need to worry about it. But I do really like these dresses. I will most likely have my hair down on the day, because I actually get headaches when I tie my hair up.
So as you can tell I'm just very excited! More wedding ideas and posts to follow haha.